Manolo for the HomeInspiration: Twin Beds | Manolo for the Home

Inspiration: Twin Beds

By Christa Terry

Every now and then, when The Beard is snoring or stirring or it’s hot or I’m just feeling kind of pro personal space, I wish we had two small beds instead of one big one. Heck, I’ve heard it said that the secret to a happy marriage is separate beds – no surprise considering that sharing a bed can lead to less restful sleep (particularly in women). There’s nothing like cuddling up with my man at the end of the day in our own little private shared space, but I can fantasize, no? And here’s what I’m fantasizing about:

Love the scaled fabric/wallpaper pattern

Another set of fabric headboards, yum

Beautiful blue!

A classic black and white palette

Too pretty!

Loving that bedside table

Are twin beds (or two doubles) just for guest rooms and kids’ rooms, or would you consider doing the separate beds thing with your honeybun?

4 Responses to “Inspiration: Twin Beds”

  1. lali Says:

    When I got married my parents and nearly all of their friends suggested separate beds — BUT, not totally separate like in your photos. They said get a pair of twin beds, push them together and use one large headboard. That way you are together but if one of you moves a lot at night, just that partner’s bed rocks. The other is blessedly still.

  2. The Jananator Says:

    !!! There are plenty of nights that I would give anything for a nice twin bed of my own when my hubs is tossing and turning. I like lali’s idea, though. Does that end up being a king?

  3. lali Says:

    I’m not quite sure what size it turns out to be. My folks used twin sheets for the matresses and a large custom-made bedspread to give the impression it was just one bed.

  4. Jelly Says:

    I watch a lot of old, bad movies (think Mystery Science Theatre 3000), and was curious that most of the sleeping arrangements featured separate beds.

    I asked my mom who was a young adult when those films were made (sorry, Mom!) and she replied that it was a Hollywood-originating style, trying to preserve modesty even in the bedroom.

    I think the style is very pretty, but I don’t think it would work well for me. I like being able to poke Der Mann when he’s snoring, and he likes to tease me about stealing the covers. He probably doesn’t appreciate it as much while I’m doing it…

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
