Inspiration: Sunburst!
By Christa Terry(FYI: If you have any interest in winning a $155 gift certificate to any CSN stores, head over to my personal blog and enter my latest giveaway!)
…or should I call them starburst mirrors? I’ve seen the two terms used, pretty much interchangeably and with equal frequency. So I hope we can agree that both labels are correct. Sometimes what’s labeled a starburst mirror looks more like a sun, and what’s labeled a sunburst mirror looks more like a star, but I think that’s okay. I think they’re keen no matter what you call them!
P.S. – If you’re so inclined, you can even make a DIY sunburst mirror… cool, huh?
March 30th, 2011 at 5:47 pm
That fabulous blue and white wallpaper and fabric – what is it and where can I buy it?
(N.B. Love your blog – thanks!)