Sweet Inspiration: Candy Dots
By Christa TerryCandy dots… candy buttons… whatever you call the classic candy, it’s pretty cute. If you didn’t happen to see it, I featured a candy dots wedding cake over at Manolo for the Brides last week, and it got me to thinking how much I’d love candy buttons fabric. And then THAT thought made me wonder if anyone out there has been inspired by candy dots. Turns out there aren’t many – makes me think candy buttons furniture would fall into the DIY realm – but I did find a few interesting things to get the DIY part of your mind racing!
The bummer is that the indoor and outdoor benches were the only candy dots inspired furniture I could find. BUT I did find some fun accessories for one’s person that are perfect for anyone who still finds herself jonesing for these sugary nibbles.
Cute, no? I think the Candy Stash wallet is my favorite. How about you? Are you past the candy stage of life and maybe thinking these things are just a little juvenile? I go back and forth – sometimes I want everything I have to be super classy grownup and sometimes I get the urge to play at being a kid again. And stuff like this definitely helps!