There’s Nothing Harder Than Saying Goodbye
By Christa TerryIt’s time for me to make a difficult announcement. To indulge in a spot of cliché, I’m not sure how to say it, so I’ll just come right out with it.
I’m resigning from Manolo for the Brides and Manolo for the Home.
During my time writing for Manolo for the Brides and Manolo for the Home, I’ve grown personally and professionally. When The Manolo took a chance and hired me to be a member of his team, I was a small-time journalist and freelance writer who’d started a blog mainly to complain about a boyfriend who was unwilling to get married. Now I’m a published author who’s married and a mom, and my accomplishments at Manolo for the Brides and Manolo for the Home have been the door openers to numerous interesting and lucrative opportunities.
I have loved every minute of writing for The Manolo. These blogs have been my introduction to entire worlds of design, fashion, etiquette, and more, not to mention my introduction to hundreds of awesome and amazing people. Reading your comments, receiving your emails, and answering your questions has been the very best part of bring a wedding planning blogger and then a home and lifestyle blogger.
But taking August off was eye opening for me. Between blogging, caring for a toddler, piles of contract work, the maintenance of a home, and trying to build a brand from the ground up, I was pulled in too many directions to be able to give my full attention to any one thing for any length of time, and I suddenly realized every part of my life had been suffering as a result.
When that’s happening, something has to give.
After weeks and weeks of thought, I finally made the decision to resign as Editor-in-Chief of Manolo for the Brides and Manolo for the Home. As you might imagine, it wasn’t an easy decision. I’ve been writing here since October 5, 2005, so these blogs have been a huge part of not just my life, but also who I am. The choice I’ve made is a bittersweet one – I’m going to miss writing here terribly, but it’s undeniable that it’s time to lighten my load before I drown in responsibilities.
Where will I go from here? Currently, I’m working on building my editorial services business, Christa Terry’s Editorialicious. But feel free to ‘like’ me! I’m still in the process of adding and editing all the copy on the web site and it’s not finalized (read: proofread) yet – plus everything on the Facebook and Twitter pages – but if you know anyone who’s looking for newsletter copy, SEO copy, editing, PR, or other content development services, send them my way. Other than that, I’m focusing on my family and giving myself some time to evaluate what I want to do next.
I’ll be thinking about all of you and wishing you the best for your weddings and your lives, and don’t hesitate to drop me a line at christa d terry at gmail if you ever just want to chat. Seriously, I’d love to hear from you because I’m going to miss you all terribly.
All the best,
Christa aka Never the Bride
P.S. – You can always see what yours truly is up to or just stalk my private life on my blog.

September 6th, 2011 at 11:48 am
Bummer! I’ve missed your words this August and will miss your perspective. Change is a constant, though. Your baby’s only little once.
September 6th, 2011 at 12:03 pm
Thanks so much, Heather. Hearing that means a lot!
September 6th, 2011 at 4:30 pm
Yes, concur with Heather. Love your posts and will miss your writing, but hug your baby as much as you can! I’m on my way home to do the same…
September 6th, 2011 at 6:18 pm
I’ve enjoyed your writing, your style perspective and humor. On more than one occasion you’ve inspired this “Old Yankee” to take some chances with color/design in my nest. Thank you for that. As for moving on…what a great time to do just that. The time you spend with your baby, combined with exploring your creative options…that is awesome! Live your dreams. 🙂
September 6th, 2011 at 6:21 pm
Oops…forgot something. Will your old posts and your links (on the right side of the page) remain? If not, will there be someplace to obtain or access them? Thank you.
September 7th, 2011 at 2:57 am
Thought something was going on!
Thanks for the amazing blog!
Good luck, and have a great life!
September 7th, 2011 at 11:37 am
Thanks, all!
@joods They will remain in the archives, so enjoy!