Why Do I Need Floor Pillows When I Bought Chairs to Stop Sitting On the Floor?
Wednesday, July 6th, 2011By Christa Terry
Maybe it’s just that with a toddler, I already spend so much time sitting on the floor so it’s a bit of a luxury to actually get up onto the couch. Especially when I get to sit solo, instead of with a small human being on my lap demanding stories. More and more stories! But when I read something over at Apartment Therapy recently that asserted that you absolutely need to double up those floor pillows for comfort, I had to admit my ignorance.
Floor pillows? Like the grownup version of the beanbag chair? Seated on a floor cushion, floor pillow, whatever, your feet fall asleep and there’s nowhere to lean and you consequently have to maintain perfect posture or become a hunchback.
Am I getting any of this right? Or I am simply not hip to the floor pillows charms? Or perhaps it’s just floor fatigue…
Admittedly, I do like the look. It’s very casual, like we all lounge wherever we want around here. Chairs? We don’t need no stinking chairs. We have floor cushions! Cushions ON THE FLOOR! Don’t try to badger us into adopting your bourgeois couch-and-chair lifestyle, because we’re not having it. It’s a floor pillow revolution! Furniture you can fit in the back of your hybrid!
(Well, okay. I like that last part. Furniture is too dang bulky. Tell me: Do you have any of these pillows on steroids in your living room?)
OMG I am SO close to my 1,000th post! Wonder if anything special will go down to mark the event!?