Manolo for the HomeContests | Manolo for the Home - Part 2

Archive for the 'Contests' Category

Make Your House Beautiful

Sunday, November 30th, 2008
By Christa Terry

FYI: You can win $250,000 to renovate your home in the Whole House Makeover Sweepstakes. I entered, though I’m not quite sure whether the contest has started as my current issue of House Beautiful implies the contest begins on Dec. 15. That said, the entry forms are up and working, so why not enter now?

Contests Galore — You Have to Play to Win

Thursday, September 11th, 2008
By Christa Terry

Brides- and grooms-to-be love free stuff so much that I can’t imagine that home enthusiasts wouldn’t feel the same way.

  • You still have a whopping 50 days to win an $850 Amcor wine fridge from Everyday With Rachel Ray. All you have to do to enter is fill out your info by October 30 — forget the newsletters and don’t bother giving out your phone number.
  • You still have 23 days to win $100,000 in HGTV’s Great Fall Fix-Up sweepstakes. You can vote once per day until the contest closes on October 3, and there’s no need to sign up for any of the newsletters if you’re not keen on doing so. I know I didn’t!
  • You still have 19 days to enter to win the myhomeideas Idea House, a $1 million pad in Windmark Beach, FL. Entering is easy — just visit this link before September 30 and fill out the form. This is another one of those “vote early and vote often” kinds of contests, so you can visit the site once a day to increase your chances of winning this cool, well-outfitted home. I entered, and if I win, I’ll either rent it out or try sell it and pay off the house I have now.

Don’t forget to sign up with a catch-all e-mail address that differs from your usual addy to avoid massive amounts of spam. Good luck!

NtB WANTS: boldLOFT coffee mugs o’ love

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008
By Christa Terry

This is where I get all squee-ish and say things like, “OMG teh cuteness!” The gist of it is this: I get one (the girl one, probably) and The Beard gets one (likely the boy one), and we drink coffee all day and think about each other. At least I gather that’s what is supposed to happen, based on boldLOFT‘s description.

Teamwork is awesome.

More probable, however, is that we lose one half of the set, and he’s drinking out of the girl mug and I’m drinking out of the dollar store mug with “X for xylophone” on it. That’s all right by me!


Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
