Mismatched Dining Chairs Take the Blah Out of Budgeting
By Christa TerryWhen outfitting the kitchen or the dining room with somewhere to sit, don’t feel like you have to buy four or six or eight matching chairs – especially if buying eight of the chairs you love is way impossible within the confines of your budget! Mismatched dining chairs can be a lot of fun when you make the effort to have fun with them. Let’s say you can get ONE of those chairs you love. Why not source the rest of thrift or consignment shops or Craigslist? Look for interesting shapes that complement that favorite chair – but don’t worry too much about color, because paint and glaze can go a long way toward achieving a unified look. See?

Images: Furnishing My Home!; bloesem kids; rouge blanc noir
January 31st, 2011 at 7:25 am
I must know where they obtained the table in that last photo. I LOVE it!
February 2nd, 2011 at 9:35 am
I’m having a look around, but best I can do in the short term is that the image came from Marie Claire Maison…
February 2nd, 2011 at 9:36 am
Ooh, actually, I think that table may have been designed by this guy: http://www.jb-navier.de/